Alex Alvarova
In the aftermath of the Velvet Revolution in Prague 1989, Alex gradually gained recognition as a journalist, a publicist, and an author of numerous essays and commentaries on current events, media theory, and foreign policy issues.
Widely recognized for her ability to put complex events and developments in the proper context, in 1996 Alexandra took a position in political marketing and has worked in communications, political marketing and election-campaign management ever since.
At the pinnacle of her career, in the aftermath of Russia 2013 hybrid-warfare invasion of the Czech Republic, after Brexit 2016 Alexandra relinquished her post in the European Parliament (Communication Adviser to the Chair of the Legislation Committee) and, citing concerns for her children's future, relocated her family to Canada.
Here, in 2017 she wrote The Industry of Lies, a nonfiction work centered around a core concept: "Russia used the 2013 presidential election in the Czech Republic as a trial run to perfect its hybrid-warfare aggression for altering the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential elections”.
In 2021, she published Feeding The Demons: The conquerors of America, a political thriller on behavioral data propaganda, in English.
She wrote numerous expert articles on political marketing and algorithmic propaganda, creates her own podcast together with Josef Holy, expert on social media algorithms. "